



The Association of Resident Doctors, University of Uyo Teaching Hospital (ARD-UUTH), Akwa Ibom State is the umbrella body of all Medical Doctors undergoing training to become Specialists in different fields of Medicine as well as all Medical Doctors below the rank of Consultants or its equivalent in the University of Uyo Teaching Hospital, Akwa Ibom state.

ARD-UUTH is a branch of the Nigerian Association of Resident Doctors(NARD). NARD is one of the most active affiliates of the Nigerian Medical Association.

The aim and objective of ARD-UUTH is derived from the motto of the Association which is “Excellence, Welfare and Service”.

The Major Activities of the Association Include:

1. The Association’s General meetings; which could be Emergency, Ordinary (Quarterly) or Annual General Meetings. The Emergency meetings are called as the need arises, in the interest of members, Whereas the Ordinary or Quarterly meetings are held atleast four times a year and The Annual General meetings are held in the month of December of every year. The Executive Members and Association’s Committees and Subcommittees also meet as required.

2.Social Gatherings/Activities ;The Valentine Splash, Resident Doctors Easter Fiesta, Members Monthly Birthday Celebrations, Welcome party for New Members, Members Celebration of any sort that the Association is invited, etc are statutory events and are taken seriously.

3. Corporate Social Responsibility Programs of the Association are handled consistently by the efficient team called The Doctors ReachOut Program (TDROP). This scheme includes, free medical and surgical outreaches, Health Education and Awareness programs in local communities, Health enlightenment programs on radio and television and lots more.

4.Academic ,Mentorship Programs for members; including but not limited to Mock Exams for our Pre Part 1 members, Mentorship Programs for House officers, Medical Officers and Residents, Certification courses in BLS, , Hands on Surgical Training like; Circumcision Made Simple and Easy program by the Paediatric Surgery handled by Dr. Aniekpeno Eyo.

5. Sports and Exercise activities like the Monthly work out,Table Tennis at the ARD Sports Shade,Football matches are also organized among members and sometimes with other unions within and outside the hospital environment.

6 The ARD-UUTH Secretariat is our PET project set to commence in earnest. With the donation of a piece of land by the hospital within the UUTH premises to ARD-UUTH, we intend to start the ground breaking of our Ultramodern ARD Secretariat Complex comprising of Halls, an office complex and a business center. Nardites have a team spirit and thrive in unity and so far,the support towards the project has been encouraging. We are open for collaboration with any individual, group of person, or even government with genuine intention to advance and develop the health sector and this is one of such projects.

Thank you and God bless you.

